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Animal Inviroments/Facts

Sea Turtles
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Sea Turtles are carnivorous (meat eating), herbovours (plant eating), and omnivorous (both eating).
Sea Turtles live in both tropical and subtropical inviroments.
Did you know that out of 7 species of turtles 6 of them are edangered.
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Octopie are invertibrates, which means they are bonless.Beacause of that octopie lose their shape when it is pulled out of the water.
Octopie have 3 hearts and blue blood. They squirt ink to deter preditors.
They are very intelligent and have been observed using tools.

Blue Button Jellyfish
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Blue Button Jellyfish's sting usally doesn't hurt, but it does cause skin irratation.
The Blue Button Jelyfish's tentacles are either bright blue or a yellow green.
Did you know that THE Blue Button Jellyfish live in the Atlantic, Australia, and Indo-Pacific. They float on the top of the water.

Whale Shark
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Whale Sharks are filter feeders - one of only 3 known filter-feeding shark species (along with the basking shark and the megamouth shark).
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Whale Sharks feed on plankton, copepods, krill, fish eggs, and smal squid or fish.

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Sea Turtle
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Whale Shark