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Sea Animal Chart

Animal Located Land/Sea
Blobfish Mainland Australia Sea
Pink dolphin Amazon river Sea
Octopus Tropical and temperate waters of the world's oceans. Sea
Tube worm Pacific Ocean Sea
Beluga Whale Arctic Ocean,Bering Sea,Gulf of St. Lawrence Sea
Hourglass Dolphin South Pacific Sea
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Animals of the Deep

Some people know lots of amazing animals but most won't know these. Look at all the great animals of the deep on this page!


1) Blobfish is native to the waters off Australia and New Zealand, where they go along the sea floor eating and any small creature that comes along.

2) They can grow 12 inches long! They also live at 3,000 feet in the ocean.


Pink Dolphin

1) pink dolphins are considerd the most intelligent with a brain capacity 40%.

2) They are from the amazon river but can be found orinoco basins and upper madeira river.

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1) Female lay up to 150 000 eggs in a week. After hatching, small octopuses will float short period of time with plankton and then swim back to the bottom of the sea.

2) They can change their color and texture of the skin to blend with environment and become invisible.

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Tube Worm

1) Giant tube worms grow to over 2 metres long and inhabit the hot waters around hydrothermal vents on the Pacific Ocean bed.

2) Like their cool water relatives, giant tube worms do not have a digestive tract. Their food is manufactured by bacteria that live symbiotically inside each worm's body.

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Beluga Whale

1) The beluga, or white whale, is one of the smallest species of whale. Their distinctive color and prominent foreheads make them easily identifiable.

2) Belugas are also called white whales, and their unusual color makes them one of the most familiar and easily distinguishable of all the whales. Calves are born gray or even brown and only fade to white.

Hourglass Dolphin

1) The hourglass dolphin's body is short and stocky, while the dorsal fin is tall and curved, sometimes even appearing bent towards the body in adult males.

2) The scientific name for the hourglass dolphin is, “Lagenorhynchus cruciger”. Lagenorhyncus means ‘jar-beaked’ referring to their small, jar shaped rostrums and ‘cruciger’ means cross carrier which references their unique cross like color scheme on their flank.