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Ocean Pollution

The ocean is a wonderful place to go on vacation, but please take care of it. Don't pollute, harm animals, or spill oil in the ocean so we can all share the beach.

There are a lot of creatures in the ocean that have been harmed. Like this sea turtle.

When this turtle was born someone threw trash into the ocean. The baby turtle got stuck in it and grew with it. sea turtles mistake plastic trash for a viable food source, sometimes causing blockages in their digestive system. Though the declining sea turtle populations in the oceans is caused by pollution.

This is a sea otter who got trapped in a net that was dumped into the ocean. Still, there are a number of seals, sea lions, and sea otters that become entangled in plastic bags or plastic packing bands leading to injury and death.

This is what happens when we dont pick up our trash, but if we do then, less animals get hurt, endangered, or even extinct.

Marine mammals, dolphins often mistakes marine trash such as plastic, netting, and soda rings for a potential food source. A study also found that hundreds of species of cetaceans have been badly impacted by plastic pollution in the past two decades. The obstructions often puncturing and tearing the stomach lining, leading to starvation and death.